Adding a Contact

You can manually add a new contact based on a wallet address, email, or phone number.

POST /contacts



Contact Object

  id: string;
  createdAt: number;
  updatedAt: number;
  email?: string;
  twitterHandle?: string;
  discordUsername?: string;
  phoneNumber?: string;
  birthday?: number;
  smsOptOut?: boolean;
  agreementTimestamp?: number;
  agreedToAds?: boolean;

Error Object

    primaryIdentifier?: string;
    value?: string;

// Example 200 Response

    "id": "f2790129-2ad0-4fd8-a8d9-5ac85c07705d", // <- existing contact id
    "createdAt": "1667482286769",
    "updatedAt": "1667482286769",
    "email": ""

// Example 201 Response

    "id": "234845e8-1dc6-4902-a384-8788516bdd8b", // <- new contact id
    "createdAt": "1667482286769",
    "updatedAt": "1667482286769",
    "phoneNumber": "+13175551234"

// Example 400 Response

    "primaryIdentifier": "Primary identifier must be one of these: email, phoneNumber, or walletAddress",
    "value": "A value for the primary identifier is required."

Last updated